Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's a conspiracy.....

So according to Heather, PJ is doing well today. He is off the Ativan completely (again) and is starting to be more vocal (not to be confused with more lucid). They have taken off his gloves and untied his restraints....he was behaving while Heather was there but we will see how that goes today. For the most part he still thinks he is on the ship and though at times he seems to be more aware...he is still very confused and it is hard to understand what he is saying. Each day though, his verbal skills improve and even through it all you can see his sense of humor is still there, however, he is getting aggitated with the whole process but this is normal behavior. He said he thinks "someone is drugging him because he keeps waking up naked"...oh Peej, if you only knew...

He looks great and his hands look better everyday with the dexerity improving constantly.

I am heading up there right now and will update this afternoon with the plan for the next few days. There was some talk of them taking the trach out so we'll see, and once they take that out, he can be moved out of ICU.

Thanks for all the prayers! PJ is so blessed to have such a strong network of people in his ring.

Enjoy your families and Merry Christmas,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PJ, I have kept you in my thoughts every day since the accident. Many organizations are working to fix all the issues surrounding the event. I know you are strong and will come out of this even stronger! Every time I read your updates I smile and think "that's the PJ I know and he is responding exactly as I would." Hang in there and keep getting better! Matt, Sophia, and I send you all our love and prayers for your continued recovery. Hugs and kissed to you and your family.