Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Just got back from seeing the PJ. What a great sight! He is much calmer and not struggling anymore to take everything out/off. He still did not have his restraints on either. That was nice to see! He seems to be putting a little bit more together (I stress "a little bit") but enough to make sense in that moment.

PJ Land has moved into solid foods. Slowly, but hey, it's not in a tube (he does still have the tube feed going). He took a couple bites of Jello and then said "Hmmmm lemon, good". But then, he said no more because he thought he should go slowly. He drank a cup of apple juice through a straw too! He has to be told each step of what to do until the 'fog' from the meds wears off. They said it could be a while.

There are rumors among the doctors and nurses that PJ might be moving over to the Naval Hospital in as early as two or three days. Not for any other reason than they have a bed and he will need physical therapy to regain his strength. I'll keep ya posted on that!

They showed me how to put the ointment on his hands and peel away the dead skin where the burns are healing, so I did that for a while. I am so not touching the feet though. The Peej Momma did that and it must be the love of a mother!

More later from PJ Land........

Happy shopping & continue the prayers for his recovery to progress with leaps and bounds!


Anonymous said...


The Meyerpeter kids love and miss you so much. Here are a few comments from them.

"I wish you feel better, your the best uncle in the world!" Katelyn

"I wish you to come back to our house and see us so I can play with you." Curtis

"I miss you and I want you to come so i can see you. I love you." Kayler

Boy PJ, you sure are crazy in your drugged state. You are going to crack up when you read about some of the things you said and did. I am so glad you are doing better. We can't wait to see you and give you a great big hug.

Love and kisses,


The Boni Family said...

I have been printing off Dani's Blog to keep as part of her baby book and just wondering if anyone is doing that for PJ? Just in case something happens to the blog .. PJ will love to read this. Which is another reason it should be updated regularly. Lynette again your wonderful!!!!
