Wednesday, November 29, 2006

11/29 Evening Post from Chris

Just returned from a very nice 3 hour visit with PJ. PJ had a rough evening last night, his respiration was not doing what they would have wanted it to do. Having said that, he had a much better day. So his lung volume (?) was over 800 all day, which is good. In fact they changed the pressure from 15 to 14 while I was there, which is also a good thing. His fever was mild all day 100.4, but when I left it was creeping up to 102.4 so getting a bit high. His oxygen level is 40 % which is what we want with his oxygen level in his body was at 98% when I left. He is still in the space bed spinning on his belly for 3 hours and on his back 2 hours. If he can have a good evening tonight, finger's crossed, they will take him off of the spinning bed and start to cut back the medicine that is paralyzing him.

Keep your fingers crossed, and keep those thoughts and prayers coming.

11/ 29 Update from Chris Part II

I talked to the nurse this morning. They were in the process of changing his bandages. They said that they did Bronch him this morning, and did not get much from his lungs. His X-ray is still showing some slight collapse in the back so they are wanting to keep him in the bed another night to make sure they can get this out. He did have a slight fever through the night, but the nurse did not seem to concerned about that. Not sure if I am speaking the terms right yet, but that is what I wrote down. So, one more night in the space bed, and hopefully things will be better in the morning for PJ. I will be visiting him later this afternoon, as soon as I am finished working for the day. Should be about 3:30 Pacific time.

That is what I know for now, so you know what I know. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.

11/28 Update from Chris

Hello everyone,

Well I was able to get to San Diego and Steve and I went straight to the hospital. I got to see PJ in his space bed that spins him like a rotisserie. He wears his Darth Vader mask and was on his belly spinning around. The good news is that today, as long as everything continues to go well, he will be removed from that bed and placed back in a more normal bed. I thought that PJ looked great. We sat and talked to him for a few hours, it was wonderful to be able to talk to him. While we were there, his fever was mild, 101 degree and he was oxygenating very well at the time. His face looked wonderful, even with the little bit of swelling that had occurred. I am working from PJ's house this morning, and I will call up again in a few minutes after the shift change to find out his schedule. My plan is to go the hospital at about 3 pm here and visit as long as I can.

I will update more when I hear it. So far things are looking good. At one point, when the nurse was sucking some stuff out of his lungs, you could actually see him coughing. The nurse pointed out that they would need to give him more of the medicine to paralyze him because of this. He needs more days like the last couple that he has had.

That is all for now.