Monday, December 18, 2006

Meyerpeter vs The Nurses

PJ is doing well. He is doing exactly what they said he was going to do.. become confused, agitated, and a little uncooperative. He has been fighting his restraints for three days, and he finally wore himself out.

Today when I got up there, they had these HUGE padded mitts on him. Both hands had them. They look like white boxing gloves. It is him vs. the nurses...He is trying to pull everything off him. He is really trying to escape, so they finally made it almost impossible to do it. They have not completely taken him off the ativan yet. They are going to hold off for a bit, because he is very restless. When I was there today, he slept the whole time. I got there at 10:00, and he was just starting to sleep, I left and came back a couple of times, and finally stayed at 2:00 pm. I was there until about 5:30, and he slept that whole time. Peacefully. I really think that he wore himself out from fighting, "morphing", and planning his escape. He made the comment last night that he had all night to figure out how to get out of there.

They stood him up today for a few minutes and he did great with that. He has been coughing up a LOT of phlegm. Nothing like wiping snot off my brother's trach...

So that's about all that's going on in PJ land. He is tired today, and sleeping well. I feel sorry for the nurse that has him tomorrow. He will be a handful.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They are being answered. Now, we just need to convince PJ that he is in the hospital in he needs to stay there.

Talk to you soon,


Unknown said...

PJ, I am trying to work out a trip down there to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do so rest up for the hours of BS'ing that will ensue. Take care and see you soon.

Big Guy, could you call me. I need some local lodging information. Thanks. 406.581.5027

Anonymous said...

PJ, remember me? Jesus Alvarez? You probably remember me better as Doggah from the Lincoln. It has been so long since we last have talked, so much to catch up. I am really glad that you are doing better. I just found out about you earlier today via email. I have told Joe Wilkenson, Curt Wagner, and some of the other guys up here in Seattle. PJ, you have to get better because we have the Lincoln Reunion coming up in October. I can't wait to see you and all the other guys again.

Best wishes and keep getting better.


Anonymous said...

Hey P.J.! I am so glad you are doing better! You definitely need to get on that rehabilitation so you are in top form for the Lincoln reunion! Love Brian & Michella Moore (ET Moore)