Wednesday, November 29, 2006

11/ 29 Update from Chris Part II

I talked to the nurse this morning. They were in the process of changing his bandages. They said that they did Bronch him this morning, and did not get much from his lungs. His X-ray is still showing some slight collapse in the back so they are wanting to keep him in the bed another night to make sure they can get this out. He did have a slight fever through the night, but the nurse did not seem to concerned about that. Not sure if I am speaking the terms right yet, but that is what I wrote down. So, one more night in the space bed, and hopefully things will be better in the morning for PJ. I will be visiting him later this afternoon, as soon as I am finished working for the day. Should be about 3:30 Pacific time.

That is what I know for now, so you know what I know. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.

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