Monday, December 11, 2006

PSSH.....He's back!

So Peej had a busy day today! 2 hours sitting up in a cool bed/chair thingy that they lay him in and then sit him straight up and then strap him in! He was breathing on his own for the two hours he was chillin' in the lounger. Way better than the one hour yesterday! He was more alert today and responsive to verbal commands. He thought he was funny too. He was blowin' kisses to me and Heather and Big Guy had him laughing. It was so nice to see the PJ smile! When I put oinment on his lips today, he totally puckered up trying to help me! Now THAT was funny!!!!

He is completely off the pain med since early this afternoon and seem to be tolerating things super good. The small tube is out of his mouth, which is good cause he wouldn't leave it alone and when you told him to, he just messed with it more just to be stubborn and defiant. All his other vitals are in normal range and his fever is gone. His hands were both uncovered for a good while today and they looked great. The right hand is all pink and pretty with the swelling on both having gone down a bunch. The left hand still has a couple areas that are blistered but are healing well. So other than needing a manicure and pedicure, he is looking fabulous.

Peej is so much happier and responsive today. He gets tired by late afternoon but he clearly knows when he has company and tries to communicate though he is not supposed to talk yet with the trach still in, but you know he thinks he has so much to say and he sure tries to say it! Oh yeah, now, when we are in the room with him they take off the restraints on his wrists. I guess they think we can stop him if he tries to pull anything out! ....really though, he listens when we tell him to not mess with stuff, but then adds a raised eyebrows and Pshh! That's our Pajamas. Heather told him she was going to paint his toenails and he shrugged his shoulders like "whatever"...but then when she told him she was going to paint them red, he shook his head "no". So - he is coming around. He is still very in and out, but wow, what great progress in such a short time.

He looks great, he seems comfortable and he still has his sense of humor. He is still a little dopey looking but they say that is the meds, I am not so sure, but okay. Peej is coming back. What a fighter.

Heather is heading back up to the hospital now, they were going to put him back in the "chair" for a while. She can update when she gets home to let us know how he did.


Erin said...

I am getting so antsy! I can't wait to get out there and see him. Tell him that I love him and will be there as soon as I can!

Romel said...

Well, I wish I could see him today. But I have this cough and headache thing that is keeping me from seeing him. It's great to hear the fantastic news. Love you PJ, get better asap.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear PJ is feeling better! It is so nice to logon to read good news. Caleb prays for "uncle Pj" everynight! Keep it up Pj!
Stefanie,Jerome, Caleb, and Mason

Anonymous said...

This is awesome news you go PJ!!! My prayers are with you!