Monday, December 4, 2006

Out of the Crazy Spinning bed

Hey everyone - I wanted to add a quick note. I am sure Chris will add a better note later. I had to leave him there to go back to work. PJ is out of the space bed - YIPPIE!!! Although he can go back in if things take a turn again. but for now he is in a real bed with sheets and everything!!! He was doing pretty good. he had great color in his face. I still marvel at how quick he is healing on the outside. He is looking more and more like pajamas everyday. It is those darn lungs that we need to get better. they got another good amount of stuff sucked out again today which is good. All of his stats seemed to be in the right direction. He was on 40% O2 when I left. His left ear is starting to look pretty good. I still have yet to see the back of his hands, but the upper arms are lookin pretty darn good. It was just so good to see him in a real bed again. lets just pray he has a couple good days again. Last nights episode wasn't a big hiccup but we need some smooth days/nights now.

A side note on PJ number 2 - he has had several operations that have completely cleaned away all of the dead skin and tissue. they will now start the graphs in ernest. they also have a plan to try to save his fingers - by graphing his hand to his body and letting the good skin grow around his hand with good strong tissue - absolutly amazing.

And good news for walter as well - when I walked by his room he was TALKING on the phone. they say he is going to be released from the ICU this weekend if not sooner. WAY TO GO WALT!!!!

Well look at that, how is that for a quick note - hahahaha
Have a great night everyone - steve

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