Thursday, December 21, 2006

Okay so, this afternoon, Peej didn't mention that I said his Dad was coming today....which is good, because he doesn't come until tomorrow. He was pretty much the same this afternoon. They took the one tube out of his nose, the one that keeps his stomach empty. So he has THAT going for him. I did the whole peel the dead skin thing again on his hands and then he let me know that there was another step in the process with the hands...he meant that I was supposed to put the oinment on but I had indeed already done so, he just needed to be reminded, but he was on top of it!


The are NOT moving him over to the Naval Hospital, they think he is ready to move over to a rehabilitation place. I am not going to say the name of it here, as the visitation to PJ is still very limited and will continue to be, even at the rehab center, until Peej can make is own choices. They anticipate this move as early as tomorrow but more likely on Saturday or even Tuesday. They will provide training to Big Guy, Romel and myself so we can help him when he gets home. Between the numerous friends and family coming out here ~ Pajamas will have more help than he probably even wants!

Master Chief Templeton (one of the other crewmembers hurt in the accident) came to the hospital while Big Guy and I were there, PJ was so glad to see him. EMCM Templeton looked great, he explained to Peej he was out of all hospitals but still going once a week to do rehab for his hands. PJ seems to be trying to put together what happened, he knows, but it seems to be jumbled up in his head right now.

The funny for today.....PJ said, "Lynette, I am going to take a nap and then you come back and I have to tell you all the CRAAAZY stuff that has been happening the last week and a half (now picture arms spread wide) it is eight pages long all the crazy stuff! Girl, wait till you hear it all!".....PJ, PJ, PJ if you only knew.

That is all for today! My husband came home with the ship and we are going out to dinner.

Have a wonderful night and hug your people....

Lynette and Steve

1 comment:

Erin said...


Thanks for keeping us all up to date on PJ. Keep the good news coming! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Hug my brother for me and I will see you in a week!
