Saturday, December 2, 2006

Friday, December 1, 2006

PJ Land is never boring....

As Chris said earlier Peej was having a better day and when we were all there was doing well. When we left, they were ready to turn him on his stomach. I called about 730 this evening to see how he tolerated the turn (it is at those times he usually dips in O2 sat a little but after about 45 minutes - compensates and balances out). Apparently, he didn't feel like cooperating so much this time. They decided not to leave him on his stomach and turned him back over. After adjust the ventilator back up to 70 his O2 sat came back up to 98-99% and they will gradually bring the vent back down to 40 as he can tolerate. The nurse said they did another bronch and got a bunch more of the cruddies out his lungs.

We all know PJ is a fighter. He looked really good when I left tonight, they were going to try to turn him again when they felt they could. I talked to Chris and he said he was going over early in the morning so hopefully one of us can update early to let you all know how his night went.

With great respect for PJ and his family and friends,


Erin said...


I just wanted to make sure you knew how much we all appreciate you and Steve spending so much time with PJ. It helps to know that someone is there with him even when Chris is working.


Anonymous said...

Erin, we are so fortunate to know PJ and we all know how much his family means to him. I feel so blessed to be in a position to be available to help in any way. No need for the 'thanks' but you are so welcome....

Unknown said...

Thank you for keeping up on this blog, I read it diligently. Make sure that PJ knows Natasha Poston is thinking of him and knowing his stubborn butt will come out on top. It makes me sad that I cannot be in Cali for him but I know you all are taking care of him. Send PJ my love, thank you again for keeping his friends updated.
Natasha Poston

Jackie said...

Lynette and Steve,
I hope both of you know how much you both mean to this family. You are part of our family and I am so glad that you are there for PJ. He picks the best when it comes to friends. I owe you so much which I will never be able to repay you. Thank you again.
